Downtown Revitalization Initiative

More Information

Lake George Forward: Transforming Downtown for Tomorrow was selected as the Capital Region winning application of the seventh round of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI 7)!

Lake George

Downtown Lake George is undergoing a renaissance which reverberates into every facet of life here, fueling new entrepreneurial enterprises, enhancing cultural heritage and recreation tourism, and elevating recognition of the Town and Village as one of the most special places in NY to visit, live, work and play.

Roughly $117 million of public and private investment has been injected into this 109-acre DRI Boundary area and its periphery over the past decade, some of those dollars being previously-awarded State grants by the Capital Region REDC and many of those dollars going towards infrastructure investment to create capacity for future growth. An infusion of DRI funding for transformative projects in the proposed Lake George district would build on these public and private investments in this area to catalyze further cultural, recreational and community development investment and accelerate redevelopment of underutilized properties

A Vision for
Lake George

As part of an extensive public engagement process, the following vision statement was created by the Lake George Steering Committee and vetted by the community:

Through investment into the downtown area from the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), the Town & Village of Lake George and its partners will continue to promote and improve quality of life and sense of place through revitalization. By enhancing and expanding the downtown character to create a more vibrant community, creating accommodations for a growing population and focusing on the “visitor experience” of the tourism sector, we will preserve and improve upon the integrity of its historical, cultural, recreational and environmental resources while leveraging them as economic drivers. To strengthen the year-round economy for future generations, our communities support initiatives that create an inclusive and diverse workforce and sustainable environment.

DRI Process

Click on the images for a printable PDF version of the DRI Process and Key Steps Overview

Join our next LPC session and/or Public Workshop!

Learn more about the process, share your thoughts, and discuss projects towards the Open Call.

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Join the LakeGeorgeDRI list serve and connect with the Lake George Downtown Revitalization Committee to learn more, get involved, and stay updated with latest news throughout the DRI process. Our email is:

You can also contact a Team Member/Partner Agency here.