Through the Lake George DRI Open Call process (June 6th - July 25th), we received a total of 19 public and projects projects for consideration, towards achieving the Vision for the Downtown!
Stay tuned for the list of projects put forward by the Local Planning Committee to NYDOS for DRI funding consideration!
The Open Call for Projects & collection of Small Projects Fund interest forms has now ended.
We want to hear thoughts, comments, and concerns from the Lake George community, to gauge public support of proposed projects!
Email us at
A) The Open Call Form is for shovel-ready transformational projects. Your project will be reviewed by the Local Planning Committee for recommendation to DOS for reimbursable grant funding.
B) The Small Projects Fund Interest Form will be used to identify community interest for a specific funding need, for example, façade improvements or winterization. On completion of the Open Call, the LPC will review submitted Interest Forms and use this information to define the goals of the Small Project Fund. This fund will be administered by the Town & Village. Once the DRI process is complete, those interested will apply to the Town & Village for funding.